Thursday, November 18, 2010

Angel Food Cupcakes

The Guinea Pig likes angel food cake, so angel food cake I makes.  I like the idea of having the cake in single serving sizes, so the cake idea turned into cupcakes.

We settled on the simplest recipe we could find.  I used 1.5 cartons of liquid egg whites, cut down confectioner's sugar to a cup, and poured a generous tablespoon of vanilla extract.  The cupcakes needed only 20 min to bake.

The yield was 36 cupcakes that had to be made in batches.  I noticed (too late) that the later batch needed to be beaten again before pouring into forms.  The "bottom of the barrel" got too "soggy" and didn't bake properly.

The resulting [good] cupcakes came out fluffy and yummy.  We devoured about half right away with and without whipped cream on top.  These definitely won't last long before being consumed.

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