Sunday, June 23, 2013

Eggplant Dip

Eggplant Dip
We are doing a pot-luck-like thing at work, where every two weeks someone brings a dish starting with the next letter of the alphabet.  My turn is the letter "E."  My first inclination was to make an egg salad with bacon and avocado, but after a trial run I was looking for something else to bring.  After being left on the counter for a little bit of time, the whole mixture turned an unappealing brown-ish color.  This didn't change the taste, but I was worried the color would be a prohibitive turn-off for most of my co-workers.

As I kept thinking of what I could do to improve the egg salad recipe appearance without changing the taste profile, I kept coming up with nothing.  Then I started thinking of what else I could make that started with "E" and would be more successful than the browning egg salad and came up with eggplant dip.

My family has a very delicious recipe for eggplant dip, but I wanted to create my own, as I usually do.  The dip dry run was a success and I will be bringing it in to work in another week or so.  I plan to serve the eggplant dip with some mini-toasts.  I hope that my co-workers enjoy it as much as The Guinea Pig has. 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Prosciutto and Fig on a Bed of Butter Lettuce

Prosciutto and Fig
on a Bed of Butter Lettuce
It's summer time and there is lots of fresh produce to enjoy.  Last night, I raided the fridge and through together a nice, light dinner.  All it took was a few leaves of butter lettuce, a slice of prosciutto, sliced figs, sliced tomatoes, sliced avocado, and a bit of goat cheese crumble on top.