Sunday, December 12, 2010

Winter Soup

Winter Soup
I came across a new veggie soup recipe that I just had to try.  It looked very simple to make.  With today being a very wet day outside, soup sounded delicious.

I used 1 vine ripened tomato instead of tomato paste; cut the potatoes into smaller than 1/2 inch cubes; left out the dill and stock; and increased the peas up to 1 cup.  I also skipped the puree part of the recipe.  I just didn't want to get any more dirty dishes.

The soup tasted good.  Very sweet, because of the sweet potato.  Seasoned it with a bit of sea salt and some ground black pepper.  Next time I'm going to cut everything into similar size cubes rather than having this slices of carrots and celery.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Roasted Asparagus

I have sort of accidentally discovered what could be the most delicious asparagus preparation method.  The secret is in the oil!

After eating leftovers most of the week, I was craving something hot and homemade.  I decided on a simple 3 ingredient dinner:  meat, veggie, grain.  I threw a couple of chicken thighs, coated in chipotle spice mix, in the oven for the meat portion of the meal.  I tried my hand at making red quinoa again, which turned out pretty good this time around, as the grain.  For the veggie part, I wanted some asparagus.  Since I had the oven going for the chicken thighs, I decided to roast it.

After looking at a bunch of recipes online, I was going to do something a bit more fancy than just toss the asparagus in oil and roast.  My plan was to cut the asparagus into thirds, toss with olive oil, roast for a bit, then sprinkle some grated asiago cheese on top, and finish roasting until cheese was melted.

I veered from this plan almost immediately!  I decided to not cut the asparagus and simply laid it out on a baking sheet.  Now that it was bigger than the bowl I was going to use to toss it with olive oil, I decided to just sprinkle the oil on instead.  As I was reaching for the oil, a though ran through my head about using sunflower seed oil instead and I ran with that thought.  I put the asparagus into the oven where the chicken thighs were roasting.

When I took the asparagus out to sprinkle the cheese on top, I was greeted with a wonderful aroma and just had to try one out.  As soon as I bit into my first stalk, I knew that I struck gold!  It was the most delicious asparagus I've ever had.  I put the cheese back in the fridge and never regretted the decision.

Sometimes the best things are the simplest.  A snap decision to use a different oil lead me to discover mouth-watering goodness.