Friday, July 22, 2011

Phyllo Pizza

Phyllo Pizza
I came across a recipe that inspired me to try out a spin on pizza.  I don't know if I can technically call it a pizza, but I'll be happy enough to make a new category called phyllo pizza for this.  It uses phyllo dough and has no tomato sauce.

I sliced and roasted grape tomatoes, red peppers, and mushrooms.  I left them in the oven for about 20 minutes. Next time I think I'm going to start out by roasting the peppers for a few minutes first, add the rest of the veggies, and roast the 20 minutes.

I layered the phyllo dough as listed substituting a butter flavored spray for actual butter.  I then put some fresh basil on the top layer and covered it with the roasted veggies.  I used half a package of grated mozzarella that I had in the fridge on top of the veggies and also topped off the pizza with grated Parmesan cheese and dried oregano before baking for another 20 minutes.

The end product was good enough for me to want to try making it again.  Next time I'm going to use a bit more cheese and I spread the toppings out a little closer to the edges.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Shrimp Stir Fry

Shrimp Stir Fry
It's been a while!  Got the cooking bug again lately and hopefully it will stick around for a bit.  Also, on a bit of a side note, I have new pretty plates to eat my creations from.

The Guinea Pig and I wanted to try out a shrimp recipe and had bought all the ingredients for it over the weekend.  Unfortunately the spinach leaves wilted and neither one of us wanted to go out to the store to pick more up.  We started looking up other recipes to try out with the shrimp, but nothing jumped out at us.  Then, I felt inspired yesterday and started chopping stuff up.

In about an hour or so, I went from having a pound of shrimp to having a delicious dinner ready.  I started out with an Asian inspired marinade and kept adding things to it that I had laying around, like celery and red pepper.  

According to the Guinea Pig, this recipe is definitely a keeper.