Saturday, September 10, 2011

Honey Chicken

Honey Chicken
Yesterday was another one of those days.  While at work, I came up with a dinner idea.  I was in a mood for a sweet and sticky sauced chicken.  It was perfect since we had a defrosting chicken breast in the fridge.

When I got home I started out making the marinade/glaze right away.  I mixed together equal parts of honey (I had clover at hand) and hoisin sauce, but the mixture seemed too sweet.  I added some teriyaki sauce and that fixed it.  Next the chicken breast was trimmed of all fat and cartilages, sliced, pounded out, and mixed into the marinade to get some flavor.

After stewing in the marinade for about an hour, I pan fried the chicken on medium-high heat in two batches.  After I put the second batch in, there was left over marinade that I poured into the pan all over the chicken.  The second batch came out considerably darker and stickier than the first.

On a whim, since this was not part of my original idea, I decided to deglaze the pan with some white wine.  Unfortunately the resulted sauce tasted a bit too much like burned sugar.  The chicken, on the other hand, came out fantastic.  I served it with some plain couscous.  The Guinea Pig was very happy with the turnout and is making sure that this one gets saved in the recipe book.

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