Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche

Broccoli and Cheddar Quiche
After all the wonderfully delicious food over thanksgiving, I wanted something different.  I convinced my Guinea Pig to skip meat for one night and let me do a dish that's on the healthier side.

I liked this recipe, because it had something unique - a rice crust.  Of course, I couldn't make it do without changes.  I used basmati rice instead of brown.  I also used all finely shredded cheddar (we had some in the fridge) and saved about a quarter cup from the full cup that was supposed to go in the mix to put on top.  I think it gave it a nice cheese top.  I used a glass square pyrex dish instead of a pie dish.

The quiche came out tasty.  The only complaint I had was that the rice on the sides came out a bit too dry.  Next time I'll add more filling or maybe not spread the rice quite that high.

I had about half a broccoli head left.  I foresee a peanut chicken dinner in our near future.  Yes, that recipe is just that good.

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