Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bacon Hash

Bacon Hash
Life has been crazy and this little blog of mine has suffered as a consequence.  To breathe new life into it, what better topic is there to post about than bacon?

For Christmas, I got a cook book devoted to bacon.  The very first (and unfortunately only so far) recipe that I have tried was a bacon hash.

I'm still honing in the bacon sizing on this one.  I've now made this recipe twice, once with bacon slices of about an inch and another of about a quarter inch.  Neither was satisfactory.  Next to try is a half inch slice.

Don't get me wrong, the outcome was delicious each time.  I just want that perfect balance of the amount of bacon in every bite without it being overpowering.

The one thing that did surprise me when making this recipe was the ease with which potatoes got grated.  I've always expected it to be a lot harder, more like what grating carrots feels like, but it was almost easier than grating an apple.

1 comment:

  1. So good, it makes me want a bacon machine... actually I just want a bacon machine...mmmm bacon.
