Saturday, March 24, 2012

Braised Rabbit

Braised Rabbit
For a while now I've been wanting to braise a rabbit. Lots of delays later, I finally got around to it. I would hope that The Guinea Pig considers it well worth the wait. 

I recently received a gorgeous Le Creuset braiser that was used in the preparation of this meal. Ever since I got it, I kept trying to come up with a good combination of ingredients that would enhance the rabbit without overpowering it. I wanted to keep it as simple as possible, but thought that onion alone would be too simple. 

My "Eureka" moment came while I was at work trying to work out a problem. It dawned on me that golden raisins would be perfect, and they were! They added a bit of sweetness and plumped up with the juices of the dish. 

The onions, raisins, a splash (or cup) of white wine, and salt/pepper were all that I used. Once it was done braising, I served the rabbit and sauce over a plate of pearl couscous. 

For a first try, it was pretty good. Next time I'd like to get the rabbit seared a bit better and the onions caramelized a bit more so that the dish would have a deeper color. I bet my Guinea Pig would also appreciate it if I toned down the seasoning a bit.

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