Thursday, August 2, 2012

Braised Pork Top Loin Stew

Braised Pork Top Loin Stew
A few weeks, or maybe even months now, I made a braised brisket from recipe that turned out unbelievably delicious.  This time around I wanted to apply the same principal to pork.  We got a nice piece of pork that we got in Costco.  In fact, we only used half of the piece we had.  I know that The Guinea Pig will be wanting me to make the other half.

I made the rub/marinade using a whole head of garlic as well as some salt, pepper, and soy sauce.  For the stew part of it I used potatoes with chopped onions, carrots, and some leftover asparagus we had for a pop of green.  Total cook time was approximately 8 hours.

The result was perhaps even more delicious than the brisket, but then again I am partial to pork.  Pork tends to come out dry, but not this time.  The Guinea Pig even had 3 helpings of it during his first seating.  He slowed down a bit after that in hopes of making the delicious food last a bit longer.

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