Saturday, October 16, 2010

Biscotti, Take 2

Biscotti, Take 2
With the last of the first batch of biscotti being gone for a few days now, I decided it was time for another batch. This time the recipe does have butter.  It even has brandy! It also didn't require/ask for a blender and was supposed to make 42 cookies (2 logs rather than 1 from the first recipe).

The dough came out super sticky from the fridge.  I used the plastic wrap technique this time again.  I was barely able to get the dough off this time.  Moist hands weren't much help either.  Next time I'm refrigerating it for a lot longer than the 30 minutes in the recipe.

The recipe yielded 34 cookies for me.  Only explanation I can make to account for the missing 8 cookies is lack of uniformity to my logs.  I browned this batch a bit more than the first ones.

The biscotti came out good.  They are more moist than the low fat ones I made first, but I guess that butter would do that.  One more biscotti recipe to try out after this one.  Maybe then my guinea pig will pick the ones he likes best.

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