Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tropical Chicken Salad

Tropical Chicken Salad
I was in the mood for a cornish hen.  I go to the store, a large supermarket, and what do you know?  They have none!  They did have whole chicken on sale, so it forced my hand.

I get it home and break the bad news to The Guinea Pig.  He relents to letting me make the chicken instead of the hen.  Not surprisingly, we have half a chicken in leftovers.

This is when my brain starts working over time.  Uh oh!  What to do with leftover chicken?  Make chicken salad!

That's easier said than done, or so it would seem to me.  I've only had chicken salad maybe twice in my life (not counting the one I just made), so figuring out a recipe would be nerve wracking.

I decide to go with what I believe to be the staples of celery and red onions.  I get to the store and they have no celery that looks good to me.  Nothing wrong with it, just not catching my eye at all.  Back to the drawing board I go.

I ran across a kiwi and that's when I remembered that I had a mango at home.  Add to that an avocado, keep the red onion and substitute Greek yogurt for mayonaise and voila!

The mix needed some salt, but not too much.  I served it inside a whole wheat pita with some red leaf lettuce and vine ripened tomatoes.  The Guinea Pig was satisfied.

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